Found this blog I wrote over a year ago just as I turned 20, on my laptop, unposted. So I thought I'd revive the blog, it also makes a good reintroduction!
Reflections on the last decade…
(Disclaimer sometimes it can be boring to read solely about
someone else so I’m sorry but if this is your thing enjoy)
Flip it’s been a long decade and being my teens arguably one
of the most important as obviously so much stuff goes on; you move from child
to teen to adult all in one. And I could go on and pick out maybe the best and
worst moments but that would be ridiculous so I’m just going to go with the
most defining…..
Becoming a Christian its self comes with some of its own
most defining moments- and when you become a Christian God is constantly
changing and growing you. Romans 12 says that God is “renewing our minds”,
which is great because he helps us to love him more and live by his grace more!
But if I could pick out 2 things here it would be getting a massive slap bang
in the face revelation when I was fifteen that ultimately changed the direction
of my life and then getting baptised when I was 17 after delaying it for like
I guess this is the heart of my testimony really, I became a
Christian when I was about 12 but didn’t really live for God, I was a person who had
a lot of anger and determination to do what I wanted, I also felt embarrassed
to say and more importantly live like a Christian for fear of what people might
think. When I was 15 however God stepped in, I don’t even remember when or how
but one day I just clearly knew that God was and still is SO MUCH bigger than
anything or anyone that came in my way. He took away my fear of showing who I really
was and what I really wanted to live for. However with revelation sometimes
comes action to help you. At that time it meant changing friendship groups.
This wasn’t because I no longer wanted those friends in my life; but because I
wanted space to breathe so that I could really focus on God and allow him to
change me, also sometimes you have to walk away from your old self so that you
don’t slip back, kind of like an addict has to completely leave his addiction.
Anyways to cut a long story short God defiantly worked in my life at that time
and he also took away my anger!
I got baptised when I was 17. I wanted to five years earlier
when I became a Christian but for some strange reason I thought baptism was
about holiness that it was for people who always read their bibles and prayed.
This thinking was wrong. Baptism has nothing to do with holiness but all to do
with obedience. In fact the bible says that Christians are made right and holy
before God… and that’s without even doing anything because it’s by GRACE that
we are saved… but hey I’m not going to go too deeply into that because there’d
be a lot to write about there, about God’s holiness, being in Christ etc.!
Anyway it took me a long time to realise the point of baptism but at 17 I got it
and I did it! And God has continued to completely turn my life upside down and I love it!
So there you go a summary of my most defining moment, sorry it's short, a detailed account would have been too long, I guess because to pick a defining moment involves choosing something
that’s changed you or changed your direction; it has to have made impact on your
life! (that makes for a long story) And I guess that I am who I am in Christ therefore my walk with God has
been most defining as it has produced other defining moments, adventures, joys,
struggles, journeys…